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Coppertop is doing well so far

Jan 1, 1970, 01:00 AM
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On 2001-04-10 15:56, Coppertop wrote:

Chapter 6-Attack

"An old friend," Emerald offered.

"I was on my way to visit her, in fact, when I heard that fight." Grath nodded. "Name?"

"Wild Angel. Heard of her?"

Emerald led Grath and Kazooie inside a small, well-kept shop. "Wild?" A black rabbit

(there seems to be alot of those around here) stood. "Emerald! Where have you been?

Who are your friends?" "I'm Grath and this is Kazooie," Grath swiftly said. "We need info

on a guy called Kroys." Wild Angel nodded. "I can help you," she said cautiously.

Hmm, read it again... (I deleted most of the quote.)


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Apr 10, 2001, 12:46 PM
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Chapter One-Runaway

The woods were kind of freaky after dusk. At every sound Coppertop nearly jumped out of her skin. Finally, she reached the one place her parents didn't know about. . .her treehouse. She climbed up the hidden ladder to the deck, and went for the secret hidden room in the center. She kept Shale (her sword) and Trueflight (her bow) in it, for it was the only safe place in her treehouse. She trotted over to the security board and typed in the pass code. The hidden door slid open, and Coppertop slipped in. She sat down and touched the power button on the veiwing screen.

When the gardens had been raided, her villiage had been wary. When the river had been inexplicably fouled, rumures had started about turtles. But when Copper had found the weapon cache missing, she knew from the tracks that the 'rumours' had been truth.

Now, in her treehouse, she could be alone, away from the gossip of the town and the

accusations that 'Farim's mercenary daughter' was behind the desturbances. She couldn't explain the missing weapons to her already suspicious father. He would blame her. So she had taken her horse Ironheart and all her belongings and fled. Her horse, in the hidden stable in Ryee Cliff behind her house, was safe now, and so was she. So she watched and waited, searcing for a trace of the turtle bands. She smiled grimly and continued her desperate watch. Suddenly, a figure appeared on the screen. She leaned forward, and stared. That was no turtle. That was a rabbit!


Read my story in War Tavern! I renamed it: Conquerer


I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me.

-Phillipians 4:13

So what?




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Apr 10, 2001, 12:48 PM
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Chapter one- continued

The rabbit was dark blue, so dark that in the gloom it seemed to be black. It had a silver

gun conspicuously by it's side, which shone softly in the dimness. Coppertop had to

think for a bit. A rabbit... it could be an ally, so she should probably show herself, but if

it turned out to be a enemy, she would be in trouble. What if she used the holograph

projecter? That might work.

KRSplat nearly jumped out of his skin when a rabbit appeared infront of him. The surprise

was doubled when he realized that he could see THROUGH the rabbit, too. "What in the

world-how the heck-Holy smoke!" he spluttered. "How did YOU get here? Who are you?"

The rabbit looked annoyed.

"I should be asking you that," it said. "I live here." "Oh," said KRSplat. "Cool. I didn't

know anyone lived HERE." He looked around. "Good or evil?" "I beg your pardon?"

demanded KRSPlat. "I mean, are you with Devan," said the rabbit, looking irritated. "IF

you are, I'd suggest you leave in a zigzag pattern. I'm a dead shot with almost anything

and I'm watching you." "DEVAN? are you KIDDING? Why would you think THAT?" KRSplat

was mad. Here he was, minding his own buisness, and this rabbit appears, scares him

out of his wits, and then has the nerve to threaten him! "Very well. you may pass

through. I will not hinder you," said the rabbit, beginning to shimmer and fade. "Hey,

wait!" yelled KRSplat. The rabbit stopped and looked at him. "Your being watched," she

commented, and then disappeared. KRSplat turned around and looked. Two big,

blue-green eyes stared back at him. There were shots of electricity leaping about in the

form of another rabbit, and something flashed silver and green. KRSplat groaned. "Not

ANOTHER surprise!" The eyes sighed. "Yes, I guess so," they replied. The figure moved

into the light. A small, grey rabbit stood, sizing him up. She wore dark leggings and

boots, and a long sleeved white shirt with a black tunic over it. "I heard what you said

to the hologram," she said flatly. "I decided to show myself. I am called Ducky

Greyrabbit. Who're you?" All these rabbits were making KRSplat nervous. "Uh. . . I'm

KRSplat," he said. "Pleased to meetcha," Ducky said. "So'm I," said a voice behind him.

The disappearing rabbit was back, this time wearing a cloak, bow and sword. She led a

ugly, grey horse. "Oh," said KRSplat. "Your back." "Yeah," said the rabbit. "I'm called

Coppertop." She brushed back her wavy black hair. KRSplat could see that it was held

back by a copper colored ribbon, the only bright color on the bunny wabbit ( ). She

was dressed in dull greens and browns, and her horse looked mean. "Sorry for scaring

you, but I can't take chances," she said. Then, "Hang on." She disappeared, then came

back. "There's another rabbit coming, with a big bird with him. They'll be here soon."

KRSplat moaned. "MORE rabbits!" "Yep. They're almost here." KRSplat turned around as

the twosome entered the group.

"Yes, they are," said the rabbit. "NO, they're not," said the bird. "Are too!" "Are not!"

"Are too!" "Are NOT!" "They ARE, Kazooie! Whazza matter with you? It's as plain as the

beak on your face! COCONUTS ARE HAIRY!!!!" "Uh-uh," Kazooie said stubbornly.

"Actually," Coppertop said, "they are." "SEE, Kaz? I TOLD you so." "Where are your

manners, Grath? One does not kick one's companion." "Yes, your Beakiness," said Grath

sarcastically. Then, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Grath AR, and this birdbrain is

Kazooie." "Hey," yelled Kazooie, "I resemble that remark!" "I'm Coppertop," said Copper,

"this is Ducky, and this is KRSplat." "Pleased t'meetcha," said Grath.



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Apr 10, 2001, 12:49 PM
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Chapter Two-Surprise

Grath and Kazooie crept along the path, looking for any sign of Devan. KRSplat and

Ducky were checking out an old fort they'd found, and Coppertop was waiting for them

back at the path. "Hey, Grathie, what's this?" said Kazooie. "It looks like a beanie, but

the whirlie on top is real big!" Grath looked at Kazooie. "That, Kazooie, is a lizard copter

hat. Y'know, the ones they fly with? There standard issue in Devan's troops." "Oh," said

Kazooie. "Cool."

A sound ahead made Grath freeze. He grabbed Kazooie and climbed a tree. Then he

looked for the newcomer.

A pretty white rabbit was walking up the path, humming a tune as she went. As she

walked by, Grath felt a nudge in his ribs. "Hey Grath, lookit this! I found a coconut that's

NOT hairy! I knew I was right! I knew it!" "Kaz, SHUT UP!!!" Kazooie subsided, gleefully

tossing 'the UNhairy coconut' in the air. "By the way Kaz, that's not a coconut," Grath

added. "That's a mango!" "WHAT?!?" Kazooie looked shocked. "Kazooie, watch that-" the

mango, forgotten, fell like a rock to hit the rabbit on the head as she walked under the

tree. "-mango. Lookit what you did!" Grath, grumbling, climbed down the tree. "Did I kill

her?" Kazooie flapped down beside Grath. "Dunno, birdbrain. She's out cold, though no

serious damage." "Except the poor little mango! Call the ambulance! Call the ambulance!

This mango has sustained a death wound! Help!" Kazooie picked up the mango, and

began running for the path. "KAZOOIE, GET BACK HERE NOW!!! The least you can do is

help me wake up the rabbit YOU knocked out!" Kazooie ran over and dumped a bucket of

cold water and ice cubes over the rabbit's head. "Kazooie, what are you doing?!?" "I'm

waking her up," said Kazooie. "See?"

Sure enough, the white rabbit was coming around. She groaned and opened her eyes,

and shook her head. "What happened?" she asked. "Who are you?" Grath grinned. "I'm

Grath Jackrabbit, and this is Kazooie. Sorry about the mango pancake that Kazooie

made, but I guess he couldn't wait to find a turtle to try it on." Kazooie looked mad. The

white rabbit grinned. "I'm Blacksheep," she said. Kazooie stared. "BLACKSHEEP??? What

kinda name is that?" "Shut up, Kaz," said Grath. "C'mon, I'll take you to the others."

Ducky wound her way through the shadows, keeping an eye on the fort. KRSplat had

taken the other side. Suddenly, a dark figure detatched from the shadow. "KRSplat?" she

whispered. The figure whirled, drawing it's sword and advancing. No, she decided, this

was definitely not KRSplat. Time to beat it. As she back-pedalled, she studied the

advancing shadow closely. It had other weapons at its belt, but she couldn't make

anything else out. Abruptly she felt rough bark behind her. There was no escape.

The figure halted a couple feet from her. "Who are you?" The voice startled her. "I-I'm

called Ducky Greyrabbit," she stammered. "Who are YOU?" "I'm called Ninja."



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Apr 10, 2001, 12:50 PM
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chapter two-continued

"Ninja? Cool. By the way, I don't really like being against a tree with a sword at my

throat," said Ducky. "Actually," the rabbit said, "I go by Shinyso. Your friend is coming

soon, so you might want to meet him. Seeya later." Then Ninja- Shinyso, she reminded

herself-slipped into the forest. "Ducky?" Ducky turned around to see KRSplat walking

towards her. "KRSplat! I'm over here. Let's get back to Coppertop; this place is creepy."

KRSplat nodded. "I saw an opening," he said. Ducky looked at him questioningly. "And a

troop of lizards. I got away b'fore they saw me, though." She sighed. So Devan was in

the area! "Grath and Kazooie should be done, as well," she commented. KRSplat began

walking faster. "KRSplat, what's the matter?" "I saw someone. A dark figure in the trees.

C'mon, Ducky." He was almost running now, and Ducky hurried to keep up. As she drew

even with KRSplat, she saw a black rabbit shadowing them. A black rabbit who called

himself Shinyso.

"You think you can walk?" Blacksheep nodded. "Where were you going? Our stop isn't

far." Grath looked at Kazooie wearily. The big bird had been throwing mangoes at him

and Blacksheep, yelling at them to hurry up. Bonk! Kazooie threw a mango in the air and

started running, but he wasn't fast enough; the mango hit him on the head and

flattened him. Blacksheep laughed at the dazed expression on Kazooie's face. "Quit

playin' around, Kazooie, for heaven's sake! We're SCOUTS, remember? Any turtle in fifty

miles is gonna know we're here!" Grath added, "And if Devan's as close as we think he is,

we're in trouble." Blacksheep whirled, horror on her face. "Devan? Here? You were

SCOUTS?!" "Weeellll. . .yeah. We'll take you to our friends, if you want," he offered.

Blacksheep jerked her chin nervously. "Lead on."

Coppertop waited until Grath, Kazooie and Blacksheep joined KRSplat, Ducky and her.

Then she asked for their 'reports'. After KRSplat had told about the dark figure in the

trees, she worriedly asked Ducky if she'd seen anything. "Ummm. . . well, yeah, I did. I

know who the figure was, but I don't know what side he's on, or what he's doing here . .

." She trailed off. "His name is Ni-Shinyso, and-" "Shinyso?" Grath looked up with surprise

on his face. "I know him! He's hanging around here?" "I guess so," Ducky said. "He left

just before KRSplat came along." Coppertop stopped her with a raised hand. "Over

there," she whispered. Sure enough, something moved in the shadows. "Shinyso," Ducky

murmered. "Correct. Your friend is extremely observant, Greyrabbit." Grath laughed

aloud. "Shinyso, you old hopper! What're YOU doin' here? I thought you moved to

Medivo!" "I did, Grath. But I decided to come back here. It's a long story. . . "



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Apr 10, 2001, 12:51 PM
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Chapter Three-The Enemy

"Uh. . .SIR! Lizard Troop 5 is missing, SIR! The Tuff Turts are rebelling, SIR! The Helmut

Troop is refusing to leave fort, SIR! Help, SIR!" The nervous lizard saluted at the back of

the chair. Devan sat, staring at the trees. "Sir?" "Yeah, yeah, I heardja. Whaddaya

want, anyway? Not like I can change their minds! Only the Boss can do THAT. An' ya

don't want the BOSS to come HERE, do ya?" "Uh, no, SIR! We'll find them, SIR! Don't

worry, SIR!" "Good. I wouldn't wanna tell the Boss that your not doin' your job now,

would I? O'course not. . . DISMISSED!" The lizard fled thankfully, racing out the door to

tell the Tuff Turt League to behave or the Boss would come. Devan grinned. Who cared

about dumb lizards, anyway?

A blinking red light alerted him to the fact that it was time to go, to leave for the

SpaceBase over Medivo, which was now totally under his control. Those rabbits whom

had not escaped were enslaved, worked mercilessly at ship camps, where they built

space ships for the Troops. This place, Carrotus, was rich in able bodies, in the form of

hated rabbits, for the ship camps. Or so the Boss said. So far, Devan had only captured

a few, not the multitudes that he'd been promised. And he would complain.

"Ready the Slaver II. I go to Command Ship Deep Spacer, at sundown. Get to it!" His

minions scattered, working at various jobs. He sighed. Another thing to explain: the

missing troops. How was he going to discuss THAT? And he'd have to, too. "Sir?" The

lizard that poked it's head cautiously around the corner winced and shut its eyes as if

expecting to be yelled at. When no blast of angry curses met him, he opened his eyes

and sighed in relief. "Sir, the ship Slaver II is ready for your pleasure." Devan whirled,

eyes blazing. "Pleasure? PLEASURE? You think I WANT to meet the Boss?" "Uh, no sir,"

trembled the lizard. Devan turned and walked towards the hangar where Slaver II


"So, my loyal Servant, how is your campaign going? I know your drive to exterminate all

rabbits, but I do need slaves." Devan glared at his Boss's back. "Sire, I have found few

rabbits to enslave. Why," and his reserve broke, "If you wanted slaves, did you not give

me a place WITH rabbits??? There ARE none!!" The dark caped figure turned. Devan

quailed before his master. The hood shaded his face, and all Devan could see was

narrowed red eyes. "You are a fool. You have met resistance, and now you wish to run

to me with your tail between your legs. No! Did you think that conquering Medivo was all

glory and no fight? Truly the foul inhabitants of Carrotus know what they are against!"

The figure was furious, unleashing his anger on the cowering Devan. "I should make you

work in the foulest ship mine I have, you idiot! But you may be of use to me yet. . ."

Energies were crackling around the angry figure. "Now, you WILL conquer Carrotus. No

matter the cost. If you do not, this will only be a taste of what you will suffer. . ." A

streak of lightning shot from the dark wizard's hands to Devan, bathing him in a red light.

Devan writhed and gasped, and suddenly the pain was gone. "Go to you troops, fool. . ."

The dark figure faded away, and Devan was alone. He stumbled to Slaver II and shot for


The dark hooded wizard watched Devan go from the Command Center of Deep Spacer.

He turned and pulled back the hood, to reveal a face of cruelty. He had a beak-like

nose, and haughty, glaring, pupilless eyes. He looked like a vulture, or a buzzard. "Milord,

the new ship Conquerer is at your disposal." The wizard turned. "Very good, Commander.

Set a rendezvous point of Holodayous. I should like to examine the new ship." Mentally

he calculated how many Star Destroyers he had. The Deep Spacer The Terror, The

Fear-Striker, The Cruelty, and now The Conquerer. He would soon rule over the Galaxy!

". . .and then, Devan's turtle troops attacked. I barely got away, and I'm sure that not

many others did. I heard rumours, see, of these prison camps, and I had no desire to

experience that myself. The tales were bad enough," Shinyso said. He shuddered. "I

don't know, but it seemed like someone else was commanding. Devan was never THAT

organized." Ducky nodded. "It sounds like it, doesn't it," she commented. "I think we

should check it out. Does anyone have a spaceship?" "I do," Coppertop said. "It's called

the Avenger when I've got a job lined up, and the Assassin when I'm on my own." "Job?"

Grath asked blankly. "I'm a mercenary and professional assassin," she explained. "Right

now it's the Assassin." "Oh," said Kazooie. "Cool." "Well," said Ducky, "What are we

waitin' for?" She got up and gestured for Coppertop to lead on. She walked to the cliff

face, and rapped on the seemingly solid rock. A slab silently slid open, and the Assassin

was revealed in all it's splendor. It was painted black, with the name in blazing white. Its

door stood open, and she leapt in. "Who's flown before? I need a copilot." Shinyso

stepped forward. "I have," he offered. She smiled. "Good. Let's go."



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Apr 10, 2001, 12:53 PM
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Chapter Three- continued

Coppertop sat back. "OK, I think we're on course. Rendezvous point: Sector #314,

Planet: Tubelectric. Right, Shinyso?" He nodded. "Copper, you're a pretty good pilot.

Does this thing have guns?" Coppertop grinned. "More than you'd think. The Assassin is

armed to the teeth!" Shinyso blinked. "It is?" "Yep. Quite inconspicuously, of course,

otherwise I'd never get through Customs on any planet! Why do you think I called it the

Assassin? Not because I thought the name sounded pretty!" She showed him the button

under the control panel. "This opens small side hatches and allows the blasters to come

out. This button," and she pointed to another one, "will let the 'escape' pods out. They

can be used for escape, but I never meant to escape from any situation. They have

hidden blasters, too, and are really little warships. Like I told you, this ship is named

well." Shinyso nodded dazedly. "I hope we won't have to use them," he murmered.

"Hold on, all passengers. We are taking off," the intercom blared. Grath, Kazooie, Ducky

and Blacksheep held on for dear life as the Assassin lurched and shook and eventually

took off. A roar filled the room and Kazooie flung himself flat. As quiet fell, Kazooie dared

to open one eye. "What happened," he asked Ducky. "Were in outer space," she replied.

"Cool. Lemme see," Kazooie exclaimed. He ran to the window and looked out as stars

rushed by. Grath looked annoyed. "Kazooie, you're standing on my head. GET OFF!!!!"

Kazooie jumped off of Grath's head and pouted. "But now I can't see," he complained.

"Oh, well," Grath retorted. "Now, back to our original discussion. Since we've solved the

problem of hairy coconuts with Coppertop's help, I say that TOADS HAVE WARTS!!!!"

Kazooie yelled. Grath smiled. "They do, in fact," he said. "YES THEY DO- what did you

say?" Kazooie looked stunned. "You-you AGREED with me! Whazza matter with you,

Grath? You NEVER agree! Didja hit your head when we took off?" Grath grinned, then

realized that Blacksheep was nearly doubled over in laughter. Ducky was grinning, and

Grath smiled in embarassment. Kazooie was indignant. "Why're y'all laughin' at me? What

did I do? Grath, it's all your fault! I never did any-" he was cut off by the com. "You may

unfasten your seatbelts. Providing you had any. Hang on, the divider's comin' down." A

portion of wall slid aside, and Shinyso sauntered into the cabin. "Hey, everybody. Copper

was just showing me all the Assassin's secrets! And Kaz, you were pretty funny." He

grinned. "Ducky, it's your turn. Copper wants everyone to learn to drive this

piece'a'junk." "Hey! That wasn't fair. Ducky, c'mon," Copper said, appearing in the

doorway. Ducky nodded and trotted into the cockpit and the divider slid shut.

"Here Ducky. Have a seat," Copper offered the copilot's chair to Ducky. She sat, and

grinned. "Shinyso was just joking, you know," Ducky said. "I know, but he wasn't fair.

The Assassin's gotten outta more trouble that any one person deserves to get INto. Heh

heh. Here Ducky, I'll help ya."



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Apr 10, 2001, 12:53 PM
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Chapter 4-Capture the Flag (sort of)

Ducky sat back. She had persuaded Copper to go her bedroom, and to let her take over.

She loved piloting, and was good at it. "Ducky?" Grath poked his head around the corner.

"Y'want a copilot?" Ducky grinned. "I didn't know you could fly, Grathie," she said.

"GRATHIE? I can fly, though. Huh. Pretty sophisticated compared to some of what I've

flown before," he added. Ducky nodded. "Kazooie bein' difficult?" she asked

sympathetically. "Nah, just bein' himself," he sighed. He slumped into the chair. "Which

means ridiculous. Where're we headed?" "Tubelectric, Sector #314." "Sounds good to

me," he commented. "I hear they've got great Nuts and Bolts Snacks." "No, just

frenchfries," she quipped. Then he looked at her questioningly. "Really, though, Ducky,

why are we going there? I mean, what's there that attracts Copper and Shinyso so

much?" "No turtles, I suspect," Ducky said absently. "Tubelectric isn't under Devan."

Suddenly, Ducky and Grath were jolted as the Assassin jerked and bucked. "Whoa! What

the heck is goin' on?" Grath yelled. Ducky growled something in response. "Darn

turtle-spawn! They've swiped us again!" Grath stared at Ducky. "Wow, I didn't know you

were capable of such name calling, Ducky! Who is that?" Ducky growled again as she

fought to keep the ship under control. "Dunno, but buckle up! I need Coppertop!" Grath

nodded, and sprinted down the hall to get Copper as the lurching ship sped up. "C'mon,

Copper! Get out here!" Coppertop was strapping on her blaster and Shale when Grath

called. She raced out the door and motioned for him to lead on. The Assassin righted

itself suddenly, and they sped away from their attacker. "How fast can this thing go?"

Grath hollered. "Just below lightspeed! We'll escape in good condition, but I wanna show

these dolts that no-one messes with me!" She ran down the hall to the cockpit, and

mounted the torpedoes and heat-seekers. Then she wheeled the Assassin around and

flashed back the way they had fled.

Claw gripped the controls in determination as the black warship turned. This was gonna

be harder than he'd thought, but the Vortex Crawler was pretty good. Kroys IS payin'

alot if I get this job finished, he thought grimly. But money ain't gonna do me anythin' if

I don't get back in one piece. His attention was snagged by the black ship firing. He

pulled the Vortex Crawler to one side, but the lasers followed. Heat-seekers! Darn, he

thought. He'd have to lose them, and if these were the caliber that he thought, he had

a job ahead. He peeled off, and headed for the Belt of Saghan, about 5 miles behind him.

The black ship persued, and now he could see the name-plate. Assassin! Not many had

tangled with that ship and lived. Another mercenary, the pilot Coppertop had a

reputation for hard play and no mercy. She'd follow him to the end of the galaxy and

further if he fled. Well, he had a knack of choosing his own fights, and he'd gotten

himself in deep. But he'd faced worse. A flash behind him showed that the ship had fired

on him again; torpedoes this time. He wrenched the Vortex Crawler around and returned

fire, but the Assassin dodged and sped down. She's a better pilot than I'd thought, he

reflected. Suddenly the Vortex Crawler shuddered, and he realized he'd been hit. A

glance at the damage bar alarmed him, for the ship had taken more damage than he'd

counted on.

A flash of green caught his eye, and Claw turned to deal with this new foe. That was a

mistake. The Assassin fired again, and the warning sign flashed. Enough, he decided,

money isn't as important as my own skin. Kroys can go to conquer the galaxy on his

own. He turned his crippled ship around and flashed the 'surrender' signal, and was

relived when the Assassin pulled off. Then the Vortex Crawler shuddered again, and he

saw the Assassin draw closer. He had been caught in a tractor beam!

A bay door opened on the side of the ship, and the Vortex Crawler was jolted as it was

drawn inside. Then it slowed and stopped, and a slight bump showed the landing. He

heard the sealed cockpit door open, and then he saw three rabbits standing by the

door, waiting. One could only be Coppertop, he could tell by the nochalant way she

leaned against the doorpost with her arms crossed, watching him. He didn't know the

other two, but he had a feeling he was about to find out what Copper had in mind for

him. . .



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Apr 10, 2001, 12:54 PM
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Chapter 4- continued

Coppertop lounged in the doorway,watching the cockpit door open on the captured ship

with narrowed green eyes. Ducky and Grath were beside her, and they were joined by

Kazooie, Shinyso, and KRSplat. Blacksheep was driving. Copper's eyes widened only the

barest bit when she saw the pilot of the ship leap out, but she saw Ducky begin to

reach for her staff and KRSplat put a hand to his blaster. She shot them a warning look,

but she couldn't blame them.

He was around 5 feet, with short, shiny brown fur. He looked pretty young, but Copper

knew that he was probably older. He had a gun at his belt, and a small wrist computer

on his arm. When he turned around, Copper met his eyes and tried not to look as

shocked as she felt.

Claw glanced at the Vortex Crawler, trying to assess the damage. It looked pretty beat

up, but he figured he could fix it. Then he turned around.

He almost wished he hadn't, as he looked into those cold green eyes. He knew she

wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he tried any tricks. She looked like she could use that

sword on her hip. The rabbits (and other) ranged behind her didn't look too friendly,

either, and Claw knew he'd have to watch his step. "Your name, occupation, and

employer, prisoner." The voice was musical, but argued for a smooth talker. "None'o yer

buisiness," he retorted. Suddenly her blaster was in her hand, aimed at him. She held it

casually, but she was fast. Blindingly fast. "What did you say? I must of heard wrong."

The voice was commanding, but bored sounding. "You heard me. That info is

confidential," he snapped. Her eyes flashed. "Now." He was taken aback by her anger,

and decided that it might not hurt to tell her. "The name's Claw. Kroys wants you dead,

don't ask me why, I don't ask questions. Figure out the rest yourself," he growled. "I

know, I know!" A big bird hopped out of the group behind Coppertop. Claw shifted his

gaze to the new speaker. "Occupation: very rude pilot! Right?" Claw gazed at the bird

contemptuously. Copper's crisp voice broke the silence. "I asked you to tell me your

occupation. You will tell me on pain of death." Claw sighed. She had him there. He

nodded reluctantly, and looked at her. "Mercenary. Who's the bird?" She gazed at him

steadily, and he felt trapped by the dark eyes.

Copper felt her annoyance rise. "Claw, huh? I won't even ask. You probably know who I

am, and my rep. We're after Devan and his master. Got any news?" Claw looked relived.

"Yeah. Your after Kroys, and I'll lead you to him for a fee." Her eyes snapped with anger,

and she had trouble containing her temper. "Listen here, Claw. You are not a free

mercenary anymore. You are a prisoner of war, and be glad I am not torturing you for

information. I am TRYING to be civilized, but you are testing my patience. On this ship,

you are not free to state everything and anything that you want to. I will not hesitate

to kill you if you insult me, my crew, or my ship. Got that?" Claw snarled angrily. There

was really nothing he could do though; it was his choice to surrender, and that put him

under her authority. He glared at her, but she could read resignation in that look.

"Ducky," and she turned to her friend, "Go relive Blacksheep. KRSplat, go as her copilot.

You," and she turned her gaze back onto Claw, "if I decide you can be trusted, might be

able to act as navigator when we go for this Kroys. UNTIL then, and not before, you will

be under survelliance at all times. Dismissed," and she turned on her heel and walked



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Apr 10, 2001, 12:54 PM
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Chapter 5-Tubelectric

Grath and Copper were in the cockpit when Grath pointed out Tubelectric, just ahead.

"How're we gonna get through Customs? They're sure to recognise Claw and you," he

wondered. Copper stiffened, as she always did when anyone mentioned Claw's name.

She still hadn't forgiven him for his defiance. Then she relaxed and winked at Grath.

"We'll make it," she assured him. "'Cause I don't have to turn on the visuals, I can use an

alibi. No-one's gonna wonder about Claw, though; he looks fierce enough to get just

about anywhere." Grath had to agree, because he could see Claw threatening the

Customs officer. "Speaking of Customs, it's time for Ducky's shift. I'll go get her." He rose

from the chair and sauntered down the hall to get Ducky. Copper turned back to the

console. She knew that she'd eventually have to put Claw at the controls, and she had

no doubt about his flying skills after she'd seen him fight in the Vortex Crawler. But she

had questions about his trustworthiness, and she knew she always would. Though I

think he's relaxing a bit; he's not so suspicious as he was. I guess he thinks that if I was

going to kill him I already would have. Footsteps in the hall alerted her, and she looked

up as Ducky walked in.

Claw leaned against the wall, observing everyone as they ingnored him. Voices down the

hall told him that Grath and Kazooie were coming; they were arguing about green

oranges this time. He did want to get his coat and hat but he didn't want to risk getting

in trouble. That shifty-eyed black rabbit-what was his name? Shinyso?-was sure to

report him if he looked suspicious. He slid through the shadows warily, and then decided

to go watch Blacksheep and Shinyso practice in the fighting ring. He heard them dueling,

and decided to keep out of sight.

"How many passengers on board, Greheli 1V?" "Seven," Copper replied. "Cargo?" "None."

"Your buisiness?" "Touring. Also I have some things I need that only your wonderful

planet sells," she purred. The Customs officer sounded flattered. "You may pass

through, Greheli 1V," he said. Then Copper was given the 'green light' and she moved

the Assassin aka Greheli 1V forward and began searching for an unoccupied landing pad.

When she found one she set the ship down delicately, and opened the main door.

"All passengers may disembark. We have landed," the loudspeaker blared. Blacksheep

looked up briefly, and was flattened by Shinyso. He helped her up and laughing,they

walked towards the door, past Claw. They didn't even see him. He slipped out behind

them and headed for the injured Vortex Crawler, hoping to fix it up if he had time. It

didn't take long for him to figure out that he was being tailed, and he glanced behind him

to see Grath walking down the hall. He didn't mind; it was better for Grath to see what

he was doing than to get in trouble. Get in trouble! The only time I'm left alone is when

I'm forgotten, he seethed. He was Claw, he didn't need to be watched over like a - a -

a turtle! Would they ever figure that out? Well, at least Grath was discreet, unlike

Kazooie. That one! Claw snorted. He wasn't as annoyed by the bird as he would have

been because he knew that Kazooie was just joking around. But he liked a little time to

himself! He sighed and kept walking.

By the time he reached the small hangar he knew that the others would be wondering

about him. Let them. He trotted over to his ship and started work.

"Where is that Claw?" Copper demanded. "Has anyone seen him?" Grath nodded. "He's

working on his ship," he called. Copper frowned. "What for? He's not leaving or anything."

Grath shrugged. She dropped the subject and grinned. "OK, everybody, I'm looking for an

informant. I need to know more of this Kroys's style, what he's done to take over, where

he's going. Spread out!"



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Apr 10, 2001, 12:55 PM
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Chapter 5- continued

Grath pushed his way through the crowd, Kazooie beside him. "C'mon, Grath, hurry up,"

the big bird complained. Grath grinned. "Cool it, Kaz, we're not in a race," he laughed. He

felt happier than ever, since they'd taken off in the Assassin. Everyone had paired off,

Grath with Kazooie, Shinyso with Copper, Blacksheep and KRSplat and Ducky, who had

volonteered to stay at the ship, to make sure Claw didn't try anything funny. Grath

didn't mind Claw, and it was obvious that Ducky and Shinyso weren't bothered by him,

but Coppertop and Blacksheep were still suspicious. Grath knew that if Claw and Ducky

decided to pair up and look for info, they'd get alot further than anyone, excepting

Kazooie and himself. Well, Shinyso and Copper might do alright, he decided reluctantly.

He walked on, then realized that he was alone. He froze, and glanced about for Kazooie.

He was nowhere to be seen.

Claw straightened, then looked at Ducky. "Y'think she'll do?" he questioned. Ducky

grinned. "Definitely space-worthy," she replied. Claw decided he didn't mind Ducky. "Well,

we'd better get going," he sighed. Ducky nodded, and he smiled grimly. He grabbed his

coat and hat and headed for the door. "Hey, wait up, Claw," Ducky called, and he

paused, waiting for her. Then he slipped into the crowd.

"Mfff, mpf hm!" The turtle held the stuggling captive still and looked at the others.

"Mission accomplished. Now we go for the rabbit." One of the Tuff Turts scratched it's

head. "Duh, what rabbit?" "You dolt! The one the bird was with! Hand me that

sledgehammer, you," the leader demanded. He grabbed the hammer and hit the

struggling bird on the head. The bird slumped, unconsious. The turt tied him up and hid

him under a rock, then assigned another turt to guard. Then the rest of the troop

marched out to lay a trap for the bird's companion. As they left the alley they passed

two shadows, who watched the turts intently.

"Shinyso. Take out the turt, I'll distract him," one shadow said. It detatched itself from

the surrounding shadows and slipped up to the turt. Then it kicked a rock, which hit the

turt on the head. "Hey, stupid!" The turt started and looked around. "Over here," the

shadow said. A grey rabbit stood infront of it, wearing a sword and blaster at her hip.

She watched the turt contemptously, and danced aside as the turtle swung at her.

"C'mon, Shinyso," she muttered as she dodged the turt again. Suddenly the turt fell

over, a sword in its back. A black rabbit stood there, grumbling. "I don't like using my

sword this much," he complained. Copper shrugged and turned to free Kazooie, to find

another black rabbit cutting the ropes. She wore tight leather pants and a jungle-green

shirt. She had a gold-hilted sword out, and she was using it to cut Kazooie free. Copper

was surprised. "The name's Emerald Dragon" the rabbit said, turning around. "Who're



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Chapter 6-Attack

"C'mon, Kazooie. Don't get lost again," Grath yelled. "Huh? What? Oh, yeah, wait up,

Grath," Kazooie hollered. He ran to catch up. Emerald Dragon was just ahead of Grath,

and she smiled at Kazooie's reaction. Grath hurried to get next to her. "Hey, Emerald,

we're lookin' for a informant. Know any?" Emerald looked surprised. Then she turned

suspicious. "Why?" "Well, we need info on a guy named Kroys. As far as we know, he's

the big boss, and Devan's just one of his cronies," Grath explained. Emerald brightened.

"Yeah, I do," she smiled. Grath looked at her in surprise. "An old friend," Emerald offered.

"I was on my way to visit her, in fact, when I heard that fight." Grath nodded. "Name?"

"Wild Angel. Heard of her?" Grath shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not. Wait a mi-

KAZOOIE!" Grath spun and stalked over to the big bird, who was trying to pick a fight

with a bunch of turts. "Kaz, we don't want trouble. GET A MOVE ON!" Kazooie saluted,

and marched over to Emerald. "Lead on, oh, great leader," he muttered. Grath glared at

him, then turned to Emerald and gestured for her to move on.

The band of evil turts marched past the sign for a shop and halted. "Here's the plan.

Kroys wants the bird and the rabbits brought to him. Then we go for that Claw thingy.

Kroys hates disloyalty. After we take him out, we round up those other rabbits, and

whoever they've got info from. We bring them all to command ship, and we leave them

to Kroys's tender mercies." The leader, a big grimy yellow lizard grinned evilly. Then he

marched his troop down a side alley. They never even noticed the caped figure leaning

casually against a wall, hat pulled down concealingly. They marched around the corner

and out of sight.

"Claw, did you hear that? We gotta warn Copper and the others!" Claw snorted. "I'm

pretty sure Copper and Shinyso can take care of themselves, Ducky," he smiled.

"Besides which, Kazooie's pretty trigger-happy, and I have no fear for Grath, KRSplat

and Blacksheep. No, I'm the one Kroys really wants, cause without me, Copper can't go

anywhere. I know where Kroys is stationed, so I'm the most dangerous. We had better

worry about our own skins. Back to the ship," and he turned and moved back. "Wait,

Claw! We haven't found our informant yet!" Claw snorted. "Whaddaya think those turtles

were?" Ducky suddenly laughed. "OK, if you say so," she smiled. Claw looked at her. "I

say so," he grumbled.

Emerald led Grath and Kazooie inside a small, well-kept shop. "Wild?" A black rabbit

(there seems to be alot of those around here) stood. "Emerald! Where have you been?

Who are your friends?" "I'm Grath and this is Kazooie," Grath swiftly said. "We need info

on a guy called Kroys." Wild Angel nodded. "I can help you," she said cautiously. "Have a

seat." She sat down in the worn leather seat behind the table, and sighed. "As far as I

know, Kroys is a human wizard. He's out to rule the galaxy, but he's smarter than some

others. Instead of building his empire out of nothing, he gathered people like Devan and

built from there. He captured alot of innocents, rabbits especially, and put them to work

in his prison camps and mines. He has a double objective there, because he gets

revenge and it keeps Devan going. I know his latest target is some rabbit named

'Coppertop' and another creature-I'm not clear on this-named Claw." Grath looked

puzzled. "Revenge?" "Don't ask me. I can only get so far with drunkies and low-life,

y'know," she smiled. "I'd like to come with you to your ship. I've made alot of enemies

out there, and I might be in danger if I stay." Grath blinked. "How did you-" "Know about

the ship? I'm a telepath." Grath was stunned. Of course. No wonder she hadn't asked

questions. He stood up. "Well, come on," he smiled. "Let's go find the others."

"Revenge? I wonder what for," Ducky mused once Grath had told them all he'd found

out. Claw shrugged. "Well, I got some more news for you all," he grumbled. "Kroys has

given orders for our capture, so we'd better leave. His troops are hot on our tail."

Copper whirled, shocked. "WHAT? C'mon, Claw, to the cockpit. Lets go!" Claw dashed

after her, and about half an hour later Assassin left Tubelectric to shake the persuing



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Chapter 6-continued

"Did Copper just say what I think she said," Grath asked Ducky, wide-eyed. "She did,"

Ducky agreed. "I think she just realized how important Claw is to our survival." Grath

grinned. "Yeah, but he 'doesn't ask questions,' remember? Oh, well, I think if he'd asked

questions with those turtles he probably would've had a fight. Just as well he didn't."

Ducky agreed, then grabbed for a hand hold as the ship lurched and took off. A few

minutes later they were in outer space, heading for the planet Holidayous, where the

command ship Deep Spacer was docking.

"Lord Kroys, we have contacted the troops on Tubelectric; their quarry has escaped.

Sensors tracked their ship leaving Tubelectric Space Customs, and it is belived that the

mercenaries Claw and Coppertop are aboard. Last seen, they were on route to

Holidayous." The hologram wavered, and the turtle who was speaking shimmered and

then came back into focus. "They await your command, milord." Kroys was mad. Twice

the illusive Coppertop had slipped from his grasp and the last time, that traitor Claw as

well. He had heard of their companions, Ducky Greyrabbit and Shinyso, and he was sure

that, given time, he could turn their loyalties away from Carrotus and the captured

rabbits. If he could, they would prove to be great assets in his plans. "Try again,

Commander. Do not fail me again. If you do, I will punish you accordingly." The turtle

gulped visibly, then saluted and the transmission was cut. Kroys sighed. He wasn't in the

habit of punishing his commanders for circumstances that they couldn't help, but he

knew that in some cases, like that pitiful Devan, it was simply a case of laziness. He

snorted. Devan! That oaf was worse than a lizard,worse than a - than a - than a rabbit!

Kroys almost regretted recruiting Devan, but the turtle had seemed so promising. Oh

well, even a lazy dolt like Devan couldn't help but capture a few rabbits on a planet like

Carrotus. "Sir, the cruiser Hypernaught is at your disposal. The escort is scheduled to

leave for the planet below in 30 minutes." A nice way of telling him that he had to leave

in half an hour. He laughed evilly as he thought of the trap he was laying around the

planet. Hopefully there would be no bloodshed.

"Holidayous? Why there?" Coppertop was puzzled. Claw shrugged. "Kroys said that when

I was done my mission to go to Holidayous. He's probably there right now." Copper

glanced at him. "Oh." Claw knew what she was thinking. If Kroys was at Holidayous he

was probably thinking to capture it, and more rabbits would die in the prison camps.

They had to stop him.



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Apr 10, 2001, 12:57 PM
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Chapter 7-Holidayous

"I hate snow," Claw complained. Ducky rolled her eyes. "I know Claw, you've said it a

million times already. It's not a favorite of mine, either, but you DO want to catch Kroys,

don't you?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but why do we have to be captured? It's not like Kroys is

gonna LIKE us or anything." Ducky sighed. She'd already explained it several times, but

Claw still wasn't in favor of the plan. KRSplat saved her. "Look, Claw, we gotta get IN to

the mother ship before we can get at Kroys. Otherwise we're like a bug on a windshield:

we haven't got a chance." Copper snorted. "Well, I wouldn't have put it THAT way, but

you have a point," she choked back laughter. "Bug on a windshield, indeed. Where'dja

hear THAT one, may I ask?" KRSplat shrugged. Ducky rolled her eyes, exasperated.

"Claw, you and Copper stand the best chance, so maybe you should go for Kroys. Ka-"

"IwannagotooIwannagotooIwannagotoo!" Grath and Shinyso were chanting. Wild Angel

arched her eyebrows at the pair, and laughed when Shinyso started jumping up and

down in frustration. "Hey," Coppertop suddenly said, "Try figuring this out. How many

pears in a dozen pair, six or twelve?" Immediately the two rabbits sat and began figuring.

"Uh, six," Grath offered. Copper grinned. "Then I wouldn't ask you to buy pears," she

replied. Shinyso did more figuring. "Then twelve!" Copper's eyes twinkled. "Twelve pairs

of pears? You're sure?" Shinyso nodded. "But that's twenty-four pears," she laughed.

Grath looked perplexed. "Then I'm stumped," he wondered. Suddenly Shinyso stared at

Copper. Then he threw back his head and laughed. "Hah! You couldn't figure it out

either!" Copper looked astonished. "How did you know?" she asked. Shinyso grinned. "Im

a psychic, I can read other people's minds," he grinned. Then he jumped up. "Claw. Is

that the Deep Spacer thingy you were talking about?" Claw looked up in surprise. "Well, I

think we have company," he said. Warships fell from the mother ship, zinging towards

the planet. As they had arranged,the friends acted as if they weren't expecting the

attack, and they fled. Claw and Copper had simply disappeared with the sword Shale's

help, and they followed thier freinds also. "How's Copper going to open the command

room door," Grath gasped. KRSplat answered. "She's got a *gasp* key amulet *gasp*

that allows her to open any door," he shouted. Abruptly the ground seemed to explode

beneath their feet, and all was merciful, merciful blackness.

KRSplat opened his eyes to see bars. He closed his eyes again, than realized that he

was probably ontop of everyone else. He sat up, and saw Copper talking quietly to Claw.

He blinked in surprise. "Hey Copper, did you get blown up too," he asked. Copper

laughed. "No, they didn't find us. We snuck on board ourselves," she explained. "I was

just about to open the doors and let everyone out when you woke up." Beneath him

someone groaned, and he didn't blame them. He jumped off of the pile, and Blacksheep

gratefully followed. As if that signaled a mass wake-up, everyone began sitting up until

the tangle of bodies separated into separate, recognizable rabbits (and other). Grath

rubbed the lump on his head ruefully. "I feel like I got bombed," he said apologetically.

Shinyso rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, very funny," he grumbled. "Ouch. What am I sitting on, a

spike?" "No, just my head," Kazooie mumbled. "Gerroff, you lump of concrete!" Shinyso,

wearing a very injured expression, stood carefully up and glared at Kazooie. "That spike

was my beak," Kazooie growled. Shinyso shrugged apologetically and moved towards the

door just as it swung open and Copper stepped back. Then she moved to each cage and

opened it, until she had a veritable army behind her, armed to the teeth from knocked

out and destroyed guards. "OK, you guys go free the other rabbits and my group will

take Kroys. Get to it!" The freed prisoners willingly began systematically demolishing

guards and opening cages. Claw, who had been on the Deep Spacer before, moved

swiftly through the halls to the front of the ship. Copper shrugged and followed.


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Apr 10, 2001, 12:58 PM
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Chapter 7- continued

Copper and her friends had to run to keep up with Claw as he moved through the halls of

the Deep Spacer. Copper was beginning to wonder if Claw was lost when he paused

infront of a door and growled a password. The door hissed open and they were off

again. Kazooie took to the air so he could catch up, and Shinyso and Angel flew after

them. Copper still was annoyed with Shinyso for hiding his abilities but she couldn't

blame him. Abruptly Claw stopped and she nearly ran into him, then she saw why. A wall

of mean looking turts blocked their way, and were driving the friends back. "Oh, if

Ironheart was here," she muttered, and Claw looked at her questioningly, and she drew

her blaster. "Shinyso, take the rest and try to find another way out," she called.

Shinyso's reply startled her. "No. Ducky, Grath and I are staying HERE. Kaz, KRSplat and

Blackie can go." Claw nodded. Then they backed up and began firing.

"Lord Kroys, the prisoners have escaped! We are suffering heavy losses from the

intruders and we beg your permission to retreat!" The turt was trembling as he waited

for Kroys's answer. "No! I will not stand defeat! Kill them, ensnare them, capture them, I

don't care! You may NOT retreat now, do you hear me!" The turt gasped out a "yes

milord" before the transmission was cut, and Kroys was left trembling in rage. How dare

they! He should have expected it though; the traitor Claw had a quarrel with him

obviously and he had traced that Coppertop's origin to a small villiage on Carrotus; he

had just finished giving Devan orders to destroy the villiage when those infuriating

infedels had infiltrated his stronghold...

"Stand back," Ducky shouted. Angel had joined her and was pulling out a wand. Copper

blinked in surprise as Ducky's staff seemed to glow with a blueish light, which intensified

till the turts had to look away. Then Angel added her power to the staff's, and suddenly

the green stone in the top let loose a blinding streak of electricity, enveloping the turts.

Then with a brilliant flash the light and turts were gone. Ducky nearly collapsed, the

transportation spell had taken a lot out of her. Angel didn't seem to be affected, but

then, it hadn't been her who had been the original spell-caster. She had merely shaped

the power that Ducky had supplied and focussed it onto the turts. Within minutes

though Ducky's leaping electricity was back bright as ever, and she had recovered

enough that they could continue. "Can't do that again," Ducky sighed. "But there won't

be as many." Sure enough, the halls rang with the footsteps of approaching turts. Ducky

raised her staff again as the band rounded the corner and let loose a stream of power

again but this time it wasn't nearly as much. The turts went flying, and Copper drew

Shale. Shinyso readied himself, but Angel decided she would hover above and pick her

targets. Grath pulled his gun out and started shooting, but Ducky kicked him so he

decided to use something else. He pulled out a long staff from a pocket and began

shooting electricity, kind of like what Ducky was doing.Chapter 8- The Taste of Victory

"Yaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Death to the enemy!" Kazooie was bellowing as he joined into the

fray. Stabbing with his beak, shooting blindly, he was actually doing pretty good.

Claw flung himself into the fray, claws extended. In a fury he began slaying the

shellians, eyes aglow with battle light. The transformation in him shocked his friends,

than Copper joined him, Shale flashing through the air. Turts fell before them, as Shinyso

began wielding his sword. Together they forged ahead, and time seemed to stand still. It

became a type of rythem, slash, parry, duck and block, drive forward and then turn to

find a new foe. The turts were not prepared, they only had blasters that wouldn't work

short range. The friends were winning, but only until reinforcements came. And, as Claw

pivoted and slew a turt behind him, the foe swelled with fresh troops. Levin-fire from

Ducky and Grath's staffs flashed and more fell, and were trampled by the enemy who

pressed ahead to take the fallen ones positions. Claw seemed to be looking through a

haze as the battle-lust took over, and he fought for what seemed to be forever. Then

the red mist lifted, and he turned to find there were no more. He looked over to see

Copper carefully wiping blood from her sword on a fallen turt's tunic. She stood and

grimaced, then sheathed Shale and looked at the others. There was no need to speak.

They turned and left the battlefield with new determine, to somehow destroy the tyrant

who would so callously send his people to slaughter.


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Apr 10, 2001, 01:00 PM
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Chapter 8- Kroys

"C'mon, I'm sure it was this way," Claw grumbled. Coppertop nodded. Then she looked

stricken. "I'm coming too," she hissed defiantly. Ducky looked surprised at the change in

her friend. "Whazza matter, Copper?" she asked. Copper glanced at her. "My villiage.

Kroys has given the command; they have been slaughtered." She said this in a

matter-of-fact tone. Ducky gasped. "How do you know?" Grath was wondering. "Shale.

It's spelled to alert me to any danger; I've been alerted." Claw nodded. "If you want," he

said coolly. "Then we'll get rid of any troops who'll aid this dork," Shinyso offered.

No-one refused his offer,so they headed for the control center.

"Milord, we-bzzzzzzzzzzt-decimated! Per-bzzt-ion to draw-bzzzzzzt-No hope! We must

with-bzzzzzzzzzzzzt-" Kroys ignored the static. "No. How many?" "Eight-bzzzzzzzt-bits, a

bird, a-bzzzzzzzzt-law. No hope, sir! We mu-bzzzt-treat!" Kroys had no problem reading

in between the lines. Eight rabbits, one bird and that Claw. No problem, he mused. Of

course, if Claw and Coppertop decided to gang up on him, they could do a considerable

amount of damage. If it was hopeless he could always use his more formidable powers to

overrun the group. Then he could take their more powerful weapons and warp to one of

his lesser warships. He sat back and waited.

"You're sure he's there, Copper," Ducky called. Copper nodded and looked pointedly at

Angel and Shinyso. Angel looked up. "Aye, he's there. Shinyso and I can sense that dark

magic from a mile away." Shinyso nodded grimly. Grath interupted. "I can help! See my

staff? I can, with its help, warp to any place I've already bee-" "WHAT?! YOU CAN

WARP? Why didn't you tell us, flop-ears?" Grath looked indignant. "Flop-ears? Fine words

from you, feather-bottom! Sit on him, will you, Shinyso?" Shinyso grimaced. "I already

did, if you'll remember," he reminded Grath. Kazooie nodded. "Well, do it again. Kaz

shouldn't be allowed to say things like that." "I concur," Angel laughed. "That was rude,

Kazooie. Apologize." Kazooie scowled. "Sorry. No-aauugh! My tail!" The big bird whirled

to come face to face with. . . "Tuff turts! Ataaack!" Coppertop and Claw turned, and,

seeing the enemy about to trounce the others, did just that. Shale came up in a blaze

of light, as Copper gave voice to a chilling warcry. "Yaaaylaaahooooooo! Die, enemy,

scum of the sewers!" Claw looked startled, then his claws extended and he threw himself

into the fray. The fight was over quickly. In one move Coppertop destroyed the last foe,

turned on her heel and continued as if nothing had ever bothered her. They calmly

continued down the hall to reach a door in the end. The last password, Sjalax, opened

the door and Copper and Claw stepped into the room. A cloaked figure stood there, and

did not seem surprised to see them. "Kroys," the word was hissed by Copper. "Ah, yes.

I've been expecting you. . ."Coppertop's form shimmered and faded. Kroys was shocked; even the smallest forms of

white magic took energy, yet this intruder seemed not to even notice. He quickly cast a

spell to see how powerful she was; it was blocked. HE didn't have to worry about his

energy, the slaughter of Copper's village and the capture of Holidayous had supplied him

with enough blood-magic, the energy of dying creatures, to supplement him for a couple

of weeks. But if the mercenary was that powerful he would be drained if he didn't finish

her off quickly.

He became aware of movement near the door; the creature Claw was advancing. No

problem. He cast a spell of destruction at the angry Claw to find it devirted, he hadn't

noticed the black rabbit who had just come in. She held a wand, and her sparkling

golden headdress had a blazing diamond in it. The entire rabbit seemed to be alive with

power, as did the one who stood behind her. He would recognize that figure anywhere.

It was unmistakable: Ducky Greyrabbit. The odds suddenly took a turn for the worst.

Grath had been informed by Ducky that he would be needed, for if Ducky's power failed

he would have to warp them all to safety. Angel, she had crisply told him, would be far

too busy to help, for she had to keep Kroys at bay. He reluctantly agreed. Now he stood

behind the door, watching.

Coppertop had felt the questing spell and had blocked it, now she knew she had to rely

on Angel and Ducky to do the blocking. She circled around behind Kroys and into a dark

corner, where she shimmered back into existance. At first there was a blue outline of a

rabbit; then the form was filled with tiny blue comets. It looked like a new forming

galaxy, and then the figure solidified. She lunged forward, to find Shale intercepted by a

wizard's staff, a tall silver thing with a sharpened spearhead on the end with a hook

branching off. A very nasty weapon, but she had faced worse. As the dark wizard

turned to intercept her he left his back unguarded; Claw leapt up and raked Kroys with

his razor sharp claws. Kroys whirled and fired a red bolt at him; he dodged and rolled

under the smoking levin-fire. Copper attacked again to find herself countered, Shale

caught between the hook and spear part of Kroys's staff. Thinking quickly she pulled her

blaster out and fired. Kroys, distracted, let his grip loosen; she whipped Shale up and

out of the trap. Claw slashed and Kroys accordingly brought his staff up to counter;

Claw ducked under the shaft and attacked again. Kroys was off balance, Copper pressed

the attack. Somehow Kroys parried and regained his footing, only to be shot by a bolt of

pure, blue electricity. He hastily threw up shields to find an irrisistable force tearing at

them, and then he felt a searing pain in his side. He looked down to see Shale buried

there; he lifted his gaze to the determined green eyes of Copper. He laughed

incredulously, and had the satisfaction of seeing Copper stare at him in contempt.

"Fools! Do you truly think you can defeat me?" Contemtuously he shoved Copper away,

and put his hand over the wound. The gash healed slowly and he frowned, putting more

power into the effort. A sound behind him alerted him, and he turned to see the rabbit,

Angel, standing there determinedly. He slowly raised his hand and spoke a word, and

crackling red lightning flashed towards the defiant rabbit. Abruptly she raised her arms

and crossed her wrists; and then she was surrounded by a softly glowing golden nimbus.

The energy flashed around her, then sank into the shield. She had absorbed his power!

In shock Kroys stared at her, and she smiled sweetly at him. Then her diamond began to

glow. A brilliant white beam flashed from it, then spread around the headdress. Then it

sank slowly into the gold, and then disappeared. But the distraction had worked.

Suddenly his staff was gone; it was sent across the room to land on the control panel.

He whirled to deal with this new foe to see one whom he had forgotten about: Claw.

The two gazed at each other, battling in a contest of wills. Each strove to conquer the

other, until Claw abruptly took the defensive. The shields around his mind strengthened

as he gave way, and the connection was snapped. Kroys had never seen creatures this

powerful before, he knew he had to flee before they overwhelmed him. He bent to pick

up his staff, and then, standing in the center of the room, he loosed a powerful spell of

destruction upon his foes. Then he was gone.

"Coppertop? Wake up." Copper opened her eyes and wished she hadn't. The figures

danced before her: Kroys, laughing, swirling away like smoke. . .Angel, writhing in agony,

trying to counter the spell. . .Darkness flooding her vision. . .

"Copper!" She snapped back to reality with a start. Shinyso bent over her, and she

belatedly realized she was on the floor. "Here, drink this," he was saying, and then

something bitter was being poured down her throat. She struggled to sit up. "Where's

Claw? Did Kroys get away?" "I'm right here. Yeah, he escaped, but I swear he won't be

so lucky next time," Claw growled. "He hit us with a death spell. Are you alright?" Copper

nodded, then winced because doing so sent spikes of pain down her back. "I think so.

Where am I?" Someone laughed. Then Grath came into view. "Your ship, the Assassin,"

he informed her. "What was that stuff you gave me, Shinyso?" she asked. He grinned

nastily. "Poison. Nah, one of my cure potions. You were out cold." Copper laughed along

with him. Then a question that had been nagging her surfaced. "Angel?" "Right here."

"What happened to your diamond? Why did it glow like that?" Angel sighed and sat down

next to Copper. "The magic Kroys used was blood-magic, the life-forces of innocents

whom were killed unnecessarily," she began slowly. "Black magic, evilness. I cannot use

such magic, for to do so would to become evil myself. So, I routed the energies to my

diamond, which cleansed and purified the magic, so that it became usable." Copper

looked at her friend strangely. "Well, thanks for the diversion," she offered. Angel

laughed. "We pressed the self-destruct button on that Deep Spacer," she chuckled.

"You shoulda seen the explosion! Grath nearly didn't get us out in time." Grath looked

injured. "So you think," he grumbled.

Eternally serene, the moon ruled over star-strewn vaults of cloudless sable night, like a

round shield of flecked amber, casting pale light to the forest below. Vagrant breezes

from the distant sea drifted idly through the rainforest's south-west margins, cooling the

heavy warmth a bright summer day had left in its wake.

The relative peace of the forest was not disturbed by the figure who stood in a patch of

moonlight. It was not a notable occurance; creatures often came this way. Excep for

the fact that the hooded figure had not been there a second ago.



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Apr 10, 2001, 01:02 PM
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Chapter 9-Chase

The two war ships drew even, then one pulled ahead. Panicked, the Shellian vessel

attempted to flee even as it was struck by the persuers torpedoes. "Get 'er into hyper

space! Now! Hurry!" The turtles hastened to do the pilot's bidding, and the ship

shuddered violently as it was hit again. Then the hyper-drive failed, and the only escape

was to out-distance the black terror that was shadowing them. The big cargo vessel

pulled smoothly ahead, and for a moment the pilots had the wild hope that the black

ship was withdrawing. Then it nosed down and came up fast and silent, and the pilots

frantically attempted to get out of the way. It was too late though; gunfire flashed and

the pilots' last hope was to get into the small escape pods. A grating noise proved that

to be fruitless; the bottom of the ship had been torn out. The pilots sealed the door,

and then a different shudder showed that they were being boarded. Or, at least, they

thought they were. A loud rending noise echoed through the ship again, and then a small

explosion shook them. The last thing the turts saw before firey debris billowed in behind

them and the vessel went up in flames was a sleek black warship sliding by. Then a

tremendous roar filled the command room, and it was filled with destruction.

"Hah! They didn't stand a chance," Kaz crowed. "Dumb turts!" Copper glanced at him.

"Good shot, Copper," he added hastily. She winked. "Oh, it wasn't me. Thank Claw; he's

the master gunner." Claw did not look amused. "Belive me, one day we won't be so

lucky," he growled. Copper rolled her eyes. "Sure, Claw. Where do you think Kroys went

to anyway?" Claw pondered that. Finally he spoke. "Well, I'd want to throw my enemies

off, so I'd go to the last place they'd expect me to go. In this case Kroys knows we'll

figure it out eventually, so he's counting on us to think like this: he'll expect us to go to

a populated place to look for him, so we won't do it. We'll expect him to go to a

backwoods planet, then to go to a populated place to throw us off track. But he. . .Oh,

that crafty wizard, I'll bet he'll stay on that backwoods planet! And the furthest one I

know of is Lohar." Copper nodded. Grath looked puzzled. "Lohar?" Copper explained.

"Lohar is a rainforest and water planet. Large inland seas surrounded by long stretches

of white sand and caves, huge forests, the whole thing. Lohar is known for it's cave

network, they all connect. There're big deposites of diamond and gems, that're known

for their magical potential. I bet Angel's diamond is from Lohar, and I know that my

crystal key and Shale's gem are. He'll probably go there, there's alot of magic potential

on Lohar." Grath blinked. "Oh." Copper turned to Shinyso, who was at the navigator's

controls. "Set course for Lohar, Sector 549. We arrive at dawn."



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Apr 10, 2001, 01:23 PM
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HAHAAAAAA!!!! I'M BACK!! Fquist showed me how to move my storie...



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Apr 10, 2001, 04:51 PM
That's US!!! We missed you, CT!!!


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Apr 10, 2001, 05:29 PM
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Hiya, CT.

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Apr 10, 2001, 05:54 PM
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Can i be in your story? plz?
We are Alpha, and Omega



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Apr 10, 2001, 06:14 PM
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You did it! Hooray, CT! *huggie*


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Apr 11, 2001, 12:58 AM
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Can I join?



Name: Wild Angel

Age: 17

Sex: What do you think? Female.

Height: 5'8

Fur Color: Jet Black

Eyes: Jungle Green

Clothing: Leather dress that cuts four inches over the knee.

Powers: Has a wand. Can transform, kill, and paralize people with it. I can also make force feilds around my self, or groups of people and make big dream orbs in my hands. And I can real peoples mind, I am telepathic.

Stuff (My favorite!): A gold headdress with a diamond in it. I was once the emperess of Diamondous, once apon a dream. Oh yeah, and a medium size knife with a gold dragon as the 'handle' with a diamond in its mouth. The blade itself is made out of platinum with diamond in the middle so it is extra strong, and I always am cleaning it, heh, but I am not obsessed.

Personality: Very loving and sweet. I love andimals and all creatures. I will kill when needed. The headdress I wear has the power to kill also, maybe that should go into 'Powers'? Oh well.

I love combat. I can predict the enemys next move and stuff, so I am also good in combat with the sword and the brain, lol.

Background: Daughter of Eva, and daughter of Jazz. (He has alot of kids, aye?)

Whatever, be creative.

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Apr 11, 2001, 12:58 AM
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Can I join?



Name: Wild Angel

Age: 17

Sex: What do you think? Female.

Height: 5'8

Fur Color: Jet Black

Eyes: Jungle Green

Clothing: Leather dress that cuts four inches over the knee.

Powers: Has a wand. Can transform, kill, and paralize people with it. I can also make force feilds around my self, or groups of people and make big dream orbs in my hands. And I can real peoples mind, I am telepathic.

Stuff (My favorite!): A gold headdress with a diamond in it. I was once the emperess of Diamondous, once apon a dream. Oh yeah, and a medium size knife with a gold dragon as the 'handle' with a diamond in its mouth. The blade itself is made out of platinum with diamond in the middle so it is extra strong, and I always am cleaning it, heh, but I am not obsessed.

Personality: Very loving and sweet. I love andimals and all creatures. I will kill when needed. The headdress I wear has the power to kill also, maybe that should go into 'Powers'? Oh well.

I love combat. I can predict the enemys next move and stuff, so I am also good in combat with the sword and the brain, lol.

Background: Daughter of Eva, and daughter of Jazz. (He has alot of kids, aye?)

Whatever, be creative.

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Apr 11, 2001, 02:44 PM
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Um, aren't you in, Wildie?


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Apr 11, 2001, 02:50 PM
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Oh, and Alpha, sure! I need your profile, though.

I'll be taking 'joiners' until I say that I'm not...

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Apr 11, 2001, 05:37 PM
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my profile

I am a totally red female rabbit, with black armbands and red eyes too. I usually wear army fatigues and a tank top. Also i have a black coak, one with a hood y'know. My weapons are a sword with a black leather handle and a wolverine with a red gem in its mouth on the hilt. And i also have a blaster. My closest companion is my twin brother Omega.


I am quiet and friendly, but deadly if my friends are threatened. I have a quick temper, but usually apologize when i calm down. Kind of reclusive at sometimes. I have a very 'Devil may care', attitude, and am very loyal.


Tracking, Fighting, Climbing and Joking.

Friend so far:


Okey, my profile is done.

Not much to look at

Kovu aka Alec

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Apr 11, 2001, 06:08 PM
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I'll join:

Name: Kovu Alec Easgi

Age: ? (Appears to be around 20)

Sex: M

Fur Color: Brown

Hair: Black

Eyes: Emerald Green

Clothing: A black jacket with a red shirt

underneath, and black pants. Oh, and a cape


Weapons: Golden Sword, Blaster

Powers: Can bend time/space in a very minor


Items: A silver cross necklace, shard of

Sparif Cyrstal.

Personality: I'm popcorn, soft and chewy

and cheery on the outside, hard, solemn core on the inside! Okay, not really, but I am

rather brooding and worrying beneath, but

cheeriness I use as a emotional shield.



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Apr 12, 2001, 03:28 PM
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YaY! Happyfulness! If you read my story you will have figured out that it's far from over...

Chapter Nine-continued

The sun rose, chasing the shadows of night away. Small night animals fled before the oncoming dawn, towards the deepest parts of the forest that never saw the sun. The streaming rays filtered in through branches and leaves, dappling the forest floor with light.

In this setting, a more than slightly annoyed rabbit climbed out of the ruin of a smallish ship and surveyed the wreckage. He had been heading for Carrotus when he had been attacked, and had lost control. He had no idea where he was, but he was stranded there.

His green eyes glanced up at the broken branches of a tree and the torn engine that perched there, then flickered to the eroded hill where the tail piece lay, buried. The ship, obviously, was totalled.

Kovu Alec Easgi, who happened to be that rabbit, was resigned to the fact that he had to hike his way out of the dense rainforest before he did anything else. He carefully edged past the sharp hunks of metal that stuck up from the ground, and left the new clearing that he had created.

Kovu, who looked to be about 20, had been in worse situations before, but just then he couldn't think of any. How was he to get off of the planet? Obviously, he couldn't use his torn-up ship. Maybe he could flag down a passing vessel...

Get real, Kove, he thought wryly, like a ship would just pass by like that. Face it, you're in deep this time.

He glanced around, searching for a path, and found a faint trail heading north. He warily began to follow it, hoping that he wasn't heading further in. He could get lost so easily... he banished the thought and, determinedly, began to follow the barely etched line that passed for a trail.

Kovu, unlike most rabbits, was a wanderer. With shining brown fur and black hair, his eyes were a contrasting emerald green. A black jacket and pants added to the image of a dark, secretive rover, as did his longish black cape. His weapons consisted of a golden sword and a blaster, and they looked well-used... used enough that they usually deterred would-be antagonists from attacking him, but his small vessel had not been much to write home about.

Now, as he attempted to trace the gametrail that he was on, he had to admit that he had been pretty stupid to fly through the troops of turtles. That stretch of space was called 'Death Alley,' or 'The Zone of Doom' by the pessimists, and few survived to tell of their experiences in there. The name alone should have warned him, but it had been the quickest route, so he took it. And, ultimately, paid the price.

Kroys was sure that no-one would find him. Lohar was so easy to hide on, he would be able to transport back to one of his sub-command ships by nightfall if he wasn't found. Mentally he cursed the level that his power was at; the fight with the mercenaries had depleted him more than he'd thought it had. If he hadn't tried that attack on the rabbit with the diamond he would have been able to transport immediatly, but for now he waited...

I'll try to get you in soon, Alpha. Tell me if I got you wrong, Kovu... and let the story go on!

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Apr 12, 2001, 08:59 PM
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I'm in it all ready? Never knew.
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Apr 16, 2001, 01:20 PM
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Nice story, CT. Keep going!


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Apr 17, 2001, 03:20 PM
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ummm... Sorry, haven't been on in like, five days

Don't worry, I will, Kiku.

Chapter Nine- continued (again)

Claw carefully guided the Assassin through the small asteroid field that barricaded their path, avoiding mines and hurtling stones that threatened to hit them. The black ship deftly swerved around another big asteroid, and Claw glanced at the visuals that showed behind the fighter. Blast it! A dozen small red dots that represented enemies were coming up fast on the green dot that was the Assassin. They looked like Shellion troopers... Luckily, Claw could use the asteroid belt to his advantage.

He swung the Assassin around to face their pursuers, and his eyes narrowed when he saw the number of fighters that were chasing them.

He coolly fired off several heat-seekers and turned, not bothering to see the results. The Assassin was rocked as a torpedo narrowly missed it, and the cockpit divider hissed open behind him. Coppertop breathlessly slid into the navigator's seat and took over the controls, leaving Claw free to fire away. He glanced over at her and saw by the steely look in her eyes that she too could use the belt of stone to her advantage. She gave him a subtle signal and he fired off a last round of heat-seekers, then the sleek warship wheeled around and sped towards the most heavily populated area of the asteroid belt. Smoothly sliding around mines and asteroids, Copper wound her way around the stone and iron. The clumsy Shellions gave chase, and bursts of flame behind them showed that the troopers were not having much luck in getting around the mines. Soon there were only a half-dozen following, and the asteroids were thinning out...

Then they were flying into clear space, and the lovely blues and greens of Lohar blazed in front of them, swimming in the velvet black of space. The Assassin turned again and easily fended off the Shellions, buying time while Claw mounted the torpedoes. Then the blasters flared and twin missiles flashed forward. The enemy troopers scattered, desperately trying to get out of the way before they were hit. Suddenly they were no longer the hunters, but rather the hunted. Another explosion blossomed, and the decimated troopers attempted to flee. "Hey, don't go away, the party's not over yet," Copper quipped, and then she throttled forward and the Assassin sped after the fleeing enemies. A last burst of flame and the way before them was clear. Somehow they had gotten turned back around and Lohar, which during the fight had been behind them, was now directly ahead. Copper accelerated, and the lush forests grew nearer.

Kovu had been trotting through the forest for over three hours now. He could see the deep blue sky through the trees, that was an improvement, at least. He hoped it meant that he was nearing the forest's edge.

If he had been able to see the entire sky, he would have seen that dark stormclouds were building up on the horizon. A strong, prevailing east wind had sprung up, but he was unable to feel it. The scent of rain was on the air.

Kovu didn't know it, but the gametrail he was following led to just behind the treeline and around again, back into the woods. He couldn't know that lightning was, at that very moment, flickering among the black clouds, or that distant trees trembled with the vibrations of rolling thunder, or that a curtain of rain was sweeping over far-away valleys. He continued his exhausting trek through the rainforest, the midday heat lying like a thick blanket over the land, and the horizon dark with forboding clouds.

Spooky... I'll try for more tomorrow!
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Apr 18, 2001, 06:21 AM
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YaY, CT! Niceness!

*beams again*

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Apr 18, 2001, 08:30 AM
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Very coolish, CT, continue!
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5


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Apr 18, 2001, 08:23 PM
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If you say so...

(I got the chapter title from a book I read )

Chapter Ten- Storm Warning

The sun dawned hot and bright on Medivo, flooding in an apartment window to illuminate the small red rabbit who sat in a big overstuffed armchair on the 50th floor of the Floozy Hotel. Her eyes were fixed on the small telescreen mounted in the wall across from her, and she listened intently to the newscast that was just coming on.

"Medivo is still resisting the reign of the powerful Kroyian Empire, refusing to even allow Emperial patrols on the planet. The latest development is the flood of refugees from neighboring planets, which resolved Medivo's anti-Emperial decision. The government will hopefully be letting us in on their plan of further resistance in a few hours, so stay tuned. In Carrotus, the Empire is slowly insinuating influential people in to the planet, blinding the Carrotans to the fact that they can take slaves cruelly..." Alpha turned the telescreen off, having heard what she wanted. Medivo was still keeping the turtles away. That was a relief, for she knew what turtles did to rabbits when they got the chance...

I'll worry about that later, she thought, and got up. So long as I take the shuttle flight outa here when the Empire gets Medivo, I'll be alright... and I might not even have to pay the month's rent... Alpha was always an optimist, and she couldn't give a care about Medivo's fate as long as she was safe.

A ringing bell sounded down on the street, signalling that the shuttle to Medivo, capital of Medivo, was leaving. Darnit! And she had fifty flights of stairs to run down...

"Well, I could always forgo the excersize and take the lift," she said aloud. The lift was not an elevator but rather, a shaft that was in low-gravity. Small, flashy purple discs floated up and down the shaft, and the passenger would merely wait until the disc rotation went down, then step on for the ride. It was quick and cheap, and much in favor in tall hotels like the Floozy, which had sixty floors and seven apartments to each floor.

Alpha grabbed her cloak, sword and blaster and headed for the lift. A few moments later she was gently floating down a pitch black tunnel, lit only by the flashing lights on her disc and the lighted ammo-register on her blaster. Then she was stepping off into the sunlit reception room and out onto the street. All of this took only a minute or so, so that if Alpha listened hard she could still hear the faint echo of the bell. Hurridly she headed for the shuttle terminal, knowing that the shuttle would take off within sixty seconds of the bell. She made it just as the doors were sliding shut, and squeezed between them, mounted the steps and found a seat.

Kovu saw a break in the trees ahead, and left the path. He thought he caught a glimpse of sunlight glancing off of water, but he couldn't be sure...

Ten... nine... eight seconds to entrance of Lohar, the navigational screen blipped, and the Assassin shuddered as it slipped through the upper atmosphere. Then a soft beeeeeep emitted from the screen, and the entire vessel trembled and shook as violently as a leaf does in the face of a hurricane. It seemed to take eternity to stop; then the silence filled the ship unnaturally. Soft browns and greens intermingled with deep blue and fawn, speeding by as they passed...

Didn't get to the storm part yet, but I'm working on it. Stay tuned!
Kovu aka Alec

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Apr 19, 2001, 06:11 AM
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You read Storm Warning? Mercedes Lackey r00ls.

That is, unless it's some other book named

Storm Warning...oh well.

And spiffy chapter.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Apr 19, 2001, 06:19 AM
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Um...Oh! Right, Eheh. I forgot what I was posting here :P

j00 r00l, CT Continue?

remember? (:


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Apr 19, 2001, 01:13 PM
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Yeah... I've read most of her books, Kove... Oh, and thanks!
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Apr 23, 2001, 06:14 AM
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~Evil Me
Kovu aka Alec

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Apr 23, 2001, 11:48 AM
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Moooooooree, neeeeed mooooooooree...
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5

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