We are back.

12 Jan 2001 at 19:21

So..What happened to us? I will explain. The server from communitech which j2o is on, crashed. The harddisks were empty. They needed 3 days to restore it, although they said they would need 2 days at most. Well, after a few hectic days, we are back, unfortunately our database is about a week old, so we lost some levels and reviews. The scripts that were updated in those few days will be reuploaded soon. And I will make backups from now on. ;-)

Other news

So, what happened in the community while we were gone?

The JMMB has updated their look to fit december.

Godgames is having a poll: “To which game would you like a sequel?”. Surprisingly they list jazzjackrabbit 2 there..so vote. :)

(thanks to pag who told stripe, and stripe who told the community, :)

Noogy has told us that the project2’s comeback(as project3) would not get us jj3 back..

The list.jazzjackrabbit.com listservers are back! This means everyone that did not know about the jj2 community and the serverlist patch can play jj2 online again. So it will be a boost in the number of servers online. :)
They are very unstable tho so I will work on a “epic serverlists are up”

- Fquist


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