CliffyB Addresses the Community

6 Oct 2002 at 21:07

Source: JCF Thread
The head level creator of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and other Epic Games had this to say:
Quoted from the JCF post:
Well, here’s where we’re at guys.
Jazz GBA is looking really cool and will hopefully be out soon. We’re hoping to resurrect some interest in Jazz and his universe with this product – the guys at Game Titan have done a great job with this update.
I would love to see Jazz come to next-generation consoles and the PC as a flagship character. He’s always been dear to my heart – that darned bunny helped me move out on my own when I was 18 years old!
The thing is, if a new Jazz game is going to happen there needs to be a very obvious demand for it.
If you guys want to see it happen the best thing you can do is to go out there and make some noise. Let the world know you want to see Jazz returning in his full glory. I’d love to see it also!

Well, I’d say we should take the advice and spread Jazz around to where we can. The more interest we get in Jazz, the better chances there are for another sequel (and wouldn’t we all love that) :)
Oh, and for you skeptics out there, the person who posted that was using an Epic Megagames IP address, it’s no fake.

- Bobby aka Dizzy


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