Jazz2Online news for December 2005

Permalink OpenJazz December 30th 2005

This actually is five days old news, but I didn’t want to keep it from those who have not noticed it yet. A month ago Toxic Bunny announced his implementation of the Jazz Jackrabbit1 engine. While it’s nowhere near perfect yet, it’s a great step in getting the game to run on modern machines, and different architectures.

To give other people the ability to contribute to the project ToxicBunny has decided to make the project open-source software. Five days ago he made his first source-code release. It can be found in the downloads section. Those of you who are willing to contribute are kindly asked to share their views with the people that are posting in the community game development forum at the JCF.

The source code can be found here and you can find the forum discussion here.


Permalink Hanukkah/Christmas/etc. December 25th 2005

On behalf of the J2O staff, have a happy holidays.


Permalink Special Mid-Month Poll December 12th 2005

…yeah, whatever. I shouldn’t even be here right now.

Which Jazz character would you most like to have as your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Jazz Jackrabbit – 9 Votes (7%)

Spaz Jackrabbit – 12 Votes (10%)

Lori Jackrabbit – 61 Votes (50%)

Eva Earlong – 16 Votes (13%)

Devan Shell – 2 Votes (2%)

Zoe Cottontail – 2 Votes (2%)

Rat enemy from Labrat – 9 Votes (7%)

Witch enemy from Diamondus – 0 Votes (0%)

Fat Chick enemy from Colonius – 6 Votes (5%)

Other (specify) – 4 Votes (3%)

Total votes: 121

Well, guess what? The witch hates you too! I’m not too surprised that Lori won, but 50% is fairly impressive. I’d also like to offer congratulations to marcin and BeckY.

Here’s a poll which asks a semi-interesting question… which download rating system do you like the most?


Permalink JJ2 Developer bought by Sony December 8th 2005

Source: Insidegamer (Dutch)

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe is acquiring the Dutch games company Guerilla games. Guerilla games used to be called Orange Games, and as a devoted Jazz Jackrabbit fan you will instantly recognize this company as the developer of Jazz Jackrabbit 2.

This probably means that the chances of the release of JJ2’s source code are even smaller than they were before, as Guerilla will most likely be busy with new exciting Sony console-only titles and Sony doesn’t have a history of being friendly to the fans. It also means a new Jazz Jackrabbit title would either be Sony-exclusive or without Arjan Brussee, main programmer of JJ1 and JJ2, as a member of the developement team.


Permalink JJ1 Tileset Compiler December 5th 2005

Source: JCF Thread.

Ice M A N has just released a program to create tileset (BLOCKS.###) files for JJ1. Check it out here.

Quoted from post:
Give me a heads up if you have something that you think the program should be able to compile but fails to do so. Feel free to email examples to mspear (at) gmail (dot) com .. The only error checking it does is to make sure it has the right number of arguments.

Have fun.

A nicer/GUI version will come eventually once all bugs (if any) are worked out and some basic error handleing is implemented..

(btw, I am aware I haven’t put up a poll yet for this month. It’ll be up in a day or two after people are likely to have read this.)


Permalink Nomination for WC2006 Cities Begins December 4th 2005

Source: JCF post

Nominations for the location for the WC2006 (West Coast 2006) Jazz 2 community meeting in the United States bave begun. Seattle, Washington, leads early, but we’re still accepting additional nominations.

The thread can be found here Please read the directions before voting.

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