Jazz2Online news for April 2010

Permalink New JJ2+ Release April 9th 2010

Source: JCF

BlurredD has released a new version of JJ2+. It contains a huge number of fixes and additions; too many to list here.

The biggest addition is that servers can now support a maximum of 32 connections (the previous limit was 16). Note that for this to work perfectly, both the client and the server have to be using the new version. This will be important if the bash server decides to allow 32 players.

Other additions include a Lori Start position event, improved server admin functionality, and the display of pings in the player list.

If you encounter any bugs, please post them in the JCF thread.


Permalink Anniversary Bash 12 April 8th 2010

This friday: the 12th anniversary bash, to celebrate the 12th birthday of Jazz Jackrabbit 2!

The Bash server will go online at 0:00 GMT+2. Check the countdown timer on top of the Jazz2Online front page to see how much time’s left. Also make sure to download the levelpack in advance!

For those who wonder what this “Bash” thing is, we’ve got an Encyclopedia article up with all background information you need.


Permalink 2vs2 Tournament May 3rd 2010

Hey, if you’re looking for a 2v2 match or matches, this will be good for you. Make your teamplay better by joining this tournament: http://jj2tournament.darkbb.com. Register and read the rules, info etc. The tournament will start when we get 32 players (16 teams) to sign up.

This was posted on RabbitJournal on April 3rd 2010. You can post, too!

Permalink Late Featured Download, Part 2 April 3rd 2010

Featured Download

Dreamscape by Blackraptor

This is a single player episode like no other. While the levels aren’t as numerous as in EvilMike’s classic, their sheer size and brutal difficulty makes up for it. There is a rather unusual storyline going on, but it’s largely optional – the levels are engaging enough on their own.

There really is a lot of atmosphere put in the levels, which makes this pack really enjoyable and interesting.
Review by Superjazz (9.2)

If you’re like me and just want to play through some JJ2 levels and kill lots of badguys like the old days, this is definitely what you’re looking for.
Review by Lark (10.0)


Permalink Late Featured Download, Part 1 April 3rd 2010

Featured Download

Traditional Japan by Dodges

A cheerful, vivid landscape with plenty of hand-drawn detail and a theme that’s been rarely explored beforehand – this tileset attempts to depict traditional Japan as we all know it, and does it very well.

It’s almost as if someone sparkled some beauty powder over the whole thing – I mean, how can you possibly walk next to those pretty trees or buildings and not feel even a little bit happier?
Review by cooba (8.1)

I’m in love with this tileset.
Review by Angie (9.5)


Permalink Featured downloads will return April 2nd 2010

Soon enough you’ll see more of those long news posts with cool screenshots. At first we’ll deal with a small backlog of downloads from the past few months that haven’t been featured, somehow.

There will be some small changes to how the featured downloads are done, too. Expect it to be more rewarding all together!


Permalink 1st April 1st 2010

OH NO, where’s our april fools?